Aug 01, 2017 · When I try to go to (this is my default gateway) I get nothing but this message: This site can’t be reached. took too long to respond. I have tried rebooting the router. I have tried different browsers. I have tried different machines. I am connected via ethernet. Anyone have any ideas?

Solved: Can't access my switches from my router - Cisco Re: Can't access my switches from my router While I agree with Jon that having default-gateway is a best practice and should be added to the switch, since the switches and the router all appear to be within the same subnet then default-gateway is not the issue that is impacting connectivity here. Solved: Can't access router settings??? - Linksys Community You need to put your dsl modem into bridge mode. Then enter your PPPoE settings into the router. You might have to powercycle (unplug power for 30seconds) your modem when connecting diifferent devices to it. You said that you can't connect to the router @ ? You can use this as a guide after you put the modem into bridge mode.

Aug 30, 2018 · Note: The default username and password used to login to the router settings page are not the SSID and password used to connect wirelessly to the router. Note: If you forgot the username and/or password, please restore the router to the factory default status.

Sep 26, 2010 · Hi. I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless modem. My DSL modem is a Westell 6100. I'm using Windows 7. I'm trying to change my security settings so I can use my wifi with my Nintendo DS. In order to do that, I have to acess my router. When I go to, I just go to my MODEM settings. I can't Changing the router password in the web-based setup page may prevent you from being able to access your router settings in the Linksys Connect Software. To resolve this issue, you can reset your router to factory default settings, uninstall and reinstall the Linksys Connect Software on your main computer, then reconfigure your router’s Whenever I wanted to access my router all I had to do is type this "" into the URL space at the top of the browser as in Chrome, it never had an issue until this year sometime, not sure when it started as I only tried to access my router the day of this OP.

I can't connect to my router's admin interface ? :: SG FAQ

Sep 25, 2019 How to Access Your Router If You Forget the Password Oct 19, 2017 How to Find Your Router’s IP Address on Any Computer Jul 03, 2017 Linksys Official Support - How to access the router’s web